Jake K

About Me

Hello world! I'm Jake K, I have around 7 years of programming experience with both software-only and hardware-interfacing languages. I've been using Java, Arduino (modified C++) and C#/.NET for the longest, although I've stopped using them lately. I now use Rust, C++ and Javascript the most often, and I'm the most comfortable with them.
I am (and was the first) Lead Software on my FIRST Robotics team, #7722, and I was on the Drive Team when we won our first district event at Western University in our rookie year. I was also Lead Electrical and Lead Scouting, where I programmed a pure Java app (Mobile and Desktop) to help our scouting.
Currently, I've been using Arch Linux with DWM for 7 months, and Manjaro Linux for 3 months before that. I now only use Windows for program deployment, although I am still fairly comfortable with it. As such, I am incredibly comfortable with the command line and prefer to use it whenever I can. I'm also very comfortable writing applications for it.

I also have a lot of hobbies outside of technology. I'm a woodworker and metalsmith/bladesmith. I'm still fairly inexperienced, but I've produced several peices that I'm proud of. I also really enjoy camping, mostly in Northern Ontario, Canada. Finally, I'm a big fan of anime, manga and visual novels, especially the SciADV series.
I have a passion for math and physics, more specifically theoretical astrophysics and quantum physics. I hope to study mathetmatical physics at the University of Waterloo in the future.


I have a lot of experience with compiled languages, and it is the language type I'm most comfortable with. I'm by far the most comfortable (and have the best understanding) of Rust. I'm also fairly comfortable with C++, which is the language we use in my FIRST robotics team. I haven't used C# very much, although I have made a few .NET apps with it when I was using windows. Finally, I dislike Java a lot, although I am also pretty comfortable with it.

My main experience with scripting/web languages comes from programming browser extensions. I've used JavaScript a lot in my program Image Sourcerer (along with some HTML/CSS), and I wrote this page from scratch using HTML and CSS. I don't use Python or NodeJS too much, although I know enough to be able to efficiently write programs in them.

As mentioned above, I use Arch Linux (and have for around 10 months). I'm very comfortable with it, and after trying out some different WMs, I've settled on using DWM. I use the command line very often and prefer it over many graphical programs. I mostly write programs for the command line, as they're both more straightforward, less confusing and offer greater control to the user.

I know quite a few other technologies that don't fit into any of the above categories as well. I know how to use blender and have produced several small scale animations. I'm very comfortable with GIMP and use it fairly often. I use inkscape a lot to design logos for my programs. Finally, I've produced several android apps in pure Java in Android Studio.

Github Statistics

The following are some of my GitHub statistics. The pull request stats are slightly off as I delete the forked repos once I'm finished so that it doesn't throw off my language useage stats. Some repos I've contributed to include izu-co's funimation-downloader-nx fork, ThatOneCalculator's Among-Us-Dumpy-Gif-Maker and wmcnamara's speedcube.

Contact Me

Feel free to reach out to me on any of my socials:

I always do my best to reply, so if you have any questions or comments, please reach out!
I do write programs on commission, so if you're interested or have questions, please contact me over email or on discord.